Content Delivery Network
Currently, lot of online projects are connecting their platforms to Content Delivery Network (CDN). It is true when a website is an operative tool for sales or the company’s image and a lot depends on its operating.
When a user lands at your web page, he/she is served content from the nearest servers. CDN global delivers video and web content reliably and quickly. This makes CDN much faster.

Content Delivery Networks With Static Content Hosting

The promulgation of static content furnished as the foundation for the creation of CDN networks. All these are the data of your online platform that will not change. These include CSS styles, images, fonts and scripts used on the website. It is more potent when a visitors receives these files from the server closest to him. But in reality, this reaction is not so great and is only noticeable for online platforms with an users from different regions. Most websites will not experience significant speedups. Therefore, such content delivery networks are gradually fading into history, although some still continue to work according to this model.

Next-Gen Technology With Dynamic Content Caching

These are far more engaging content delivery network channels. Which are capable of retrieving and storing both static and dynamic content. Interactive info is the web pages themselves, its HTML code. This is not static, it can change at the time of the operation of the website. As a result, each user has to wait until the CMS generates the webpage, which naturally takes lot of time. Although the fact that the webpage is the same for everyone until some changes have occurred. Its great if you could cache the entire page and instantly serve it to visitors from the cache. And when improvements done, automatically update the cache and continue to instantly give the page to visitors. Yes and from the web server closest to them.

Other Technology Benefits

When CDN networks and caching also optimize content, that is, they effectively compress it. Scripts, fonts, images, styles and in some CDNs and HTML code are subjected to compression. Because the weight of the elements to be loaded is reduced, the website loads even faster.
GCore Labs offers different CDNs that vary not only in functionality but also in a no. of other important parameters, namely:
  1. Price
  2. Quality and efficiency of technical support
  3. Coverage, availability of servers in regions of interest
  4. Difficulty setting up the service.
Using the tech, users/visitors receive info from the CDN network cache, while the load on the hosting server is greatly reduced, which allows it to fulfill requests faster.
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[…] individuals in the public arena. It is an interest in store for individuals, yet in addition to networks and […]


[…] invested in building a robust delivery network to ensure timely and efficient delivery of […]

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