How to Educate

As usual, we parents want and try to treat all our children in the same way; we consider all our children as equals. That is fine, however, we must bear in mind that, in this way, we are not offering each of the children exclusive time or dedication. In the end, what we do is ignore that part of them that is important for not accompanying them in their understanding.

To understand is to perceive and have a clear idea of ​​what is said, done, or happens or to discover the deep meaning of something. To understand is also to consider a fact, a feeling, an emotion, etc., to be explainable, fair, or reasonable, or to have goodwill toward something or someone.


To understand is to perceive the meaning of something even if it is not understood, while understanding goes further. To do this, we need to activate other inner resources such as empathy, listening carefully, not interrupting, and, above all, practicing presence with all the love that we can.

What If Our Children Feel Misunderstood?

Misunderstood children have problems at school, in the family environment, and among their peers. They are simply children with greater difficulties than most to carry out a satisfactory school, family, and social life. However, far from thinking that they are spoiled, lazy, or aggressive children, we must think that they are children who, if they do not receive our help to be understood, will end up doomed to failure in the future.

Great Variety

However, there is a great variety of reasons that lead parents to choose to give their children an education outside the official face-to-face schooling system. On many occasions, there is more than one cause that favors this decision and, in addition, it is common for these to change as time progresses.

If we ask a family why they started homeschooling and why they continue to do so after five, ten, or fifteen years, they will most likely give us different answers. We present here, without the intention of being exhaustive reasons most cited by parents who decide to educate at home.

Avoid School Failure

This is one of the great arguments that, today, can be put forward in a large number of countries, including Spain. The official rate of school failure has reached 40% in 2012. This means that 40% of young people do not manage to graduate from Secondary Education at the age of 16. However, the concept of “school failure” can be considered broader than a simple statistic related to the achievement of an official degree.

Negative Effects

Because of this, any other academic ability will be negatively affected. To add insult to injury, higher qualifications have been devalued and are no longer a guarantee of achieving an optimal professional position: the INEM lists are full of university graduates. So that figure of 40% is a fact to be taken into account, but it must be relativized and placed in its proper place, that is, in the center of a misnamed educational system that is leaking everywhere.

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